Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) in Miami, Florida

What Is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is an advanced and customizable cosmetic surgical procedure that can transform the midsection. During the procedure, the surgeon removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen and will also tighten the underlying muscles as needed. This procedure is an effective option for patients who have gone through one or more pregnancies.


It’s also ideal for those who have lost significant weight and want a more contoured and defined abdomen but can’t achieve their goals with dieting and exercise alone. We offer a mini abdominoplasty, which targets the lower portion of the abdomen, and a full abdominoplasty, which contours the entire midsection.


Extended Abdominoplasty

Extended abdominoplasty uses all the techniques of the standard abdominoplasty and will eliminate excess skin and fat from the stomach. However, it can also eliminate excess skin and fat from the flanks and love handles, which is the area between the waist and the hips. This procedure can meet the needs of patients who also want to target their abdomen and flanks to achieve their desired results.


Fleur De Lis Abdominoplasty 

We also offer the Fleur De Lis abdominoplasty. This more extensive tummy tuck removes excess skin and fat from the abdominal area and targets the area above the belly button. Patients with excess skin vertically and horizontally can benefit from this procedure. Those who have lost significant weight and have excess skin can benefit from this procedure, as it’s designed to contour the area, tighten the skin, and remove stubborn fat.


Preparing for Your Procedure

Once we customize your treatment plan, we’ll provide you with detailed pre-operative instructions that you’ll need to follow to ensure you’re ready for the procedure.


These instructions may include following certain guidelines regarding dietary adjustments, medications, and lifestyle modifications and completing any necessary medical testing or evaluations before the procedure. We’ll walk with you every step of the way and ensure that you are ready for your surgery.


Your Procedure

You can rest assured that our skilled surgical team will make every effort to prioritize your safety and comfort during this procedure. Once you receive the anesthesia, the surgeon will make an incision in the lower abdominal area, typically between the hip bones. The incision is usually horizontal, and its length can vary depending on your surgical treatment plan and how many corrective measures the surgeon will need to take.


After making the incision, the surgeon will remove excess skin and fat from the area, tighten the abdominal muscles if necessary, and reposition the remaining skin to ensure a smooth, flat, and contoured midsection. Hi-def liposuction will be performed as needed to redefine the waistline, flanks, and abdominal area.


Your Recovery

Once your procedure is over, our team will monitor you in our recovery area. You’ll receive detailed instructions about aftercare, including caring for the incisions site, how to manage any discomfort after your procedure, and when you can gradually resume your normal daily activities. It’s important that you follow all of the post-operative guidelines to ensure the best surgical outcome and quick and healthy recovery.


Follow-Up Visits

During your recovery, we’ll schedule several follow-up appointments, during which you’ll meet with our plastic surgeon, who will monitor your progress and ensure that you’re healing well. During these follow-up appointments, you’ll be able to address any concerns, and our surgeon will assess how you’re healing and make any necessary adjustments to your aftercare plan.


Enjoying Your Results

During your recovery, you’ll start to see the gradual transformation of your abdominal area. A tummy tuck is designed to deliver long-lasting results, and you can ensure the longevity of your results by living a healthy lifestyle, eating a healthy and balanced diet, and getting regular exercise.


Doing so will ensure that you maximize and sustain your results. Weight gain or pregnancy after the procedure can negatively affect your results, which is why we recommend that patients reach their goal weight before the procedures and that they’re done having children.


Achieve a Flat, Contoured, and Sculpted Midsection

If you want to redefine your section and experience all the benefits of hi-def abdominoplasty, we can help. Whether you want to schedule a full or mini abdominoplasty or one of our customized tummy tucks, we can make the best surgical recommendations to help you achieve yAt Balto Plastic Surgery in Miami, FL, we offer the tummy tuck, a procedure also known as abdominoplasty, that can contour and define the midsection to help patients achieve their ideal aesthetic. If pregnancy, aging, weight loss, and other factors have prevented you from achieving your ideal midsection, we can transform your abdomen with a customized surgical treatment plan so you can enjoy long-lasting results.



Hi-Def Abdominoplasty

We ensure the most comprehensive results and best surgical outcomes after this procedure with state-of-the-art surgical technology and the extensive skill of our surgeon. We offer the hi-def abdominoplasty, which uses hi-definition liposuction to eliminate excess fat from the abdomen while sculpting the area to improve body contours. With this advanced form of liposuction, we can contour the abdominal area to create visible muscle definition.


The surgeon will suction out fat from specific areas of the negative space between the muscle groups to create visible muscle definition. This unique process involves strategically suctioning out fat to create three-dimensional results instead of simply removing stubborn fat from the abdominal area. In addition to significantly reduced fat volume, you can expect visual improvements in definition and abdominal contours.


What Are the Benefits?

Patients who undergo a tummy tuck can expect a custom-tailored procedure that will remove excess fat and skin from their midsection and accomplish what the healthiest diet and a regular exercise regimen cannot. Some other benefits include the following:

  • Tighter muscles
  • Improved definition
  • Tighter skin
  • A flatter midsection
  • Reduced abdominal fat
  • Improved body contours
  • Long-lasting results


What To Expect

The first step in this process is your initial consultation. When you come into our clinic, one of our experienced plastic surgeons will meet with you to learn more about your treatment goals and medical history. He will also assess your midsection to make the right surgical recommendations. Once he confirms that this procedure is right for you, he can customize your treatment plan and provide you with information about preparing for the procedure.


Choosing the Right Procedure

We offer different versions of the tummy tuck to meet our patients’ needs, including extended and Fleur De Lis abdominoplasty. When you come in for your consultation, we can give you more details about each option after evaluating your midsection and then make treatment recommendations.


our ideal midsection.